When you first purchase a new computer, you’re probably very excited with how fast everything loads up. But after a few months of using it you start noticing that it’s getting slower and slower. Then you end up like most people with a super slow computer that drives you crazy with issues. It’s incredibly frustrating when computers slow down or stop working for seemingly no reason at all. And even after all the diagnostics, upgrades, and money spent, the amount of time waiting for that spinning wheel or hourglass to disappear never seems to get any shorter. Your once new, lightning-fast, computer just keeps getting slower as each day passes.
That’s where this new gadget called Xtra PC can help. It works with any computer (Mac or Windows) made after 2004 and is definitely the fastest. easiest and cheapest solution to getting yourself a new computer without spending a large amount of money. It’s so easy that all you have to do is plug in Xtra PC and you’re good to go. Once booted, Xtra-PC bypasses the old slow operating system and turns your computer into a blazing fast high-performance computer again. It even keeps all of your existing files intact.
A brand new computer on a memory stick!
How do I get one ?
You can order one here: Xtra PC